It’s time to Unleash Health™
A background in nuclear physics likely isn't the background you'd expect of a healthcare CEO, but like all things, a run in with a health problem brought me face to face with a larger problem.
Nearly a decade ago my health took a sharp turn, and I ended up leaving the sterile physics lab behind for a hospital bed. Dressed up, sterilized, I spent many hours in many surgeries and then a long recovery over a period of 12 months. I had to learn to eat and talk all over again, under the care of my providers. But my analytical mind never stopped processing what was going on around me.
Why do we consume healthcare as sickcare? Why are our investments in health research, policy, infrastructure and services geared towards treating people once they become sick? What would it take to change this? I now had the greatest desire to create change.
So I took a leap. I was determined to transition into healthcare and apply my nuclear physics expertise and focus my trained critical thinking toward another complex adaptive system, a healthcare system that I later learnt is also non-linear, dynamic and inherently chaotic. In the past decade, I worked for and have interacted with pharma, providers, payers, and numerous other players in the traditional healthcare landscape. And I came to one conclusion: The current stakeholders will not change healthcare on their own.
To foster change, we must change our mindset around health. The vast majority of health problems are preventable. However, scalable solutions that address underlying behavior and overcome social determinants of health have yet to be tapped into. The rise of new technologies opens the door for us to take on reshaping preventive health.
Welcome to Unleash, the World’s first Prevention-as-a-Service™ Company scaling preventive health for everyone. By leveraging deep digital phenotyping, behavioral economics, and clinical risk prediction models we help put each individual back in control of everyday decisions that impact their health. And with the brands we love having a greater incentive and influence to keep customers & communities healthy than the healthcare system itself we are building a preventive health platform for everyone, backed by science & powered by brands.
My passionate commitment is to change the way we all think about our health, and I’m pleased to be backed by a mission driven team committed to improving the health of 1B people over the next 10 years.
In this decade, the most impactful opportunities in health will be outside of healthcare. Join us.
-Founder & CEO, Dr Ramin Rafiei